Becket Planning Board
Approved Meeting Minutes
Wednesday , October 14th, 2009
Planning Board Members Present: Gale LaBelle, Martin Schlanger, Ann Krawet , Barbara Stuhlman,Stanley Oransky.
Planning Board Members Absent: Robert Podolski
Members of the public present: Michael Falk, Bonnie Falk, Joe Marino, Donna Melick, Beth VanNess, Joan Kaiser, Bob Gross, Barbara Mandler, Audrey Schlanger, Ann Bruzzi.
Meeting called to order: 7:08 pm
Review and Acceptance of Meeting Minutes from September 9th, 2009: Mr. Stanley Oransky makes a motion to accept the minutes as presented; Mr. Schlanger seconds motion; Unanimous Approval.
Public Hearing- Joseph Marino, 29 Chester Road, Map 414 Lot 37; Request for a Special Permit.
Hearing opens at : 7:18 pm
Ms. LaBelle opens meeting at 7:18 pm and informs all present that agendas are on the table for anyone who wants them.Ms. LaBelle states that the meeting is being held in accordance with Massachusetts General Law Chapter 40A and the By-laws of the Town of Becket. A decision to issue a Special Permit requires a minimum of four positive votes from a five member board. She continues to inform the applicant that the board has 90 days to make a decision after the close of the public hearing and 14 days to file paperwork with the Town Clerk once the decision is made. Any appeals of decisions can be made only to the Court and must be made pursuant to Section 17, MGL 40A as amended, and must be filed within 20 days after the date of filing of the decision with the Town Clerk.
Ms. LaBelle introduces the members of the Planning Board and asks the applicant to please come up and present his application. Ms. LaBelle informs the applicant that two of the planning board members present are residents of Indian Lake Estates and that Indian Lake Estates Association is an abutter to the property on the application. Ms. LaBelle asks both Martin Schlanger and Stanley Oransky (of Indian Lake Estates) if they feel that they have a conflict of interest with the application before them. Mr. Schlanger and Mr. Oransky both advise that they can be impartial and have no conflict of interest. Ms. LaBelle asks Mr. Marino if he is alright with the two board members that are also Indian Lake residents sitting on the board for the hearing or if he would rather they do not. Without hesitation, Mr. Marino
responded that he does not have a problem with that at all and believes they will be impartial.
Ms. LaBelle confirms with the secretary that all fees have been paid and proper advertising has taken place.
Mr. Marino approaches board members and explains that he would like to open a concession trailer that would include a grill, fryer and refrigerator. Mr. Marino goes on to explain that the trailer is registered and is on wheels.Mr. Marino advises that he would like to be open from May 1st through October 31st. The trailer would be placed approx. 50 feet back from Route 20 and crushed blue stone would be laid in the parking lot. Mr. Marino also states that he would be looking for additional parking for about 10 cars, and that he would be putting up a post with a light in the parking lot. Mr. Marino tells planning board members that the trailer is fully self-contained and has a generator and propane tanks. Ms. LaBelle reads aloud letters received from The Conservation Commission as well as the
Board of Health ( letters on file in planning board office). Ms. LaBelle asks Mr. Marino about the removal of his trash. Mr. Marino explains that he has a contract with Manchester Company that will be responsible for the dumpster/trash removal.
Mr. Schlanger asks the applicant to show him on the map precisely where the concession trailer will be located on the property, explaining that his current map does not detail the exact location nor the measurements. Mr. Oransky advises the applicant that he needs a plot plan showing streams,wetlands, and the exact dimensions of the trailer. He also asks where is the parking? Who will take the trash? How often will they come? What kinds of foods will you be serving?
Mr. Oransky asks the applicant if he plans to sell any alcohol from the concession trailer, applicant responds that no alcohol will be sold. Ms. LaBelle confirms that she has already spoke with the building inspector and he assured her that he would be looking for possible violations and would keep her informed of any problems.
Mr. Marino advises the board that he will be taking an 8 hour class from the state to become certified. Mr. Oransky questions the generator and questions the fact that it may be running for 24 hours a day in order to keep the refrigerator cold. Board members review the bylaws that are pertinent to the application.
Mr. Schlanger asks the applicant how is he planning on moving the trailer? Mr. Marino explains that he will be renting a truck to tow the trailer back here.
Mr. Oransky states that until he knows more specifics he will be unable to vote on the application. Mr. Schlanger agrees that more detail needs to be provided. At this time, board members also question signage that may be requested, informing Mr. Marino that this also will need to be detailed.
Ms. LaBelle asks for public participation;
Audrey Schlanger- Wants to know where exactly on the property everything will be located. Ms. Schlanger also asks if there are have been any problems with animals there , If everything will be covered, what kinds of foods will be served, who will patronize the trailer, and if the stand is owned or rented? Mr. Marino explains that there has never been a problem with animals. He states that hotdogs and hamburgers will be sold and that motel patrons as well as the general public will frequent the trailer. Mr. Marino advises that the trailer will be rented at first and that he does have plans to buy it.
Bob Gross- Introduces himself as President of Indian Lake Estates and expresses concern about a possible noise level problem, citing that in the past there has been a problem with Uncle Larry’s and noise coming from the bar. He also expresses concern over additional traffic and congestion.
Joan Kaiser- Intoduces herself as a resident of Indian Lake Estates , however attending the meeting as a private citizen and expresses concern over how dangerous that intersection is. Joan states that the state has determined that the intersection is one of the most dangerous in Berkshire County.
Beth VanNess- Introduces herself and explains that everyone seems to be trying to make up excuses as to why Joe should not run his concession trailer. She goes on to explain that Joe has made many improvements to the Becket Motel and continues to do so. Beth advises that new business is good, citing a pending grant for the town that is suppose to encourage small business by creating incentives. Beth states that the town intends on encouraging businesses that enhance the rural character of the town. Ms. VanNess concludes by stating that this concession stand is not going to impose any danger to anyone and that we should pull together to support and encourage this new business.
Donna Melick- Introduces herself as manager of the Becket Motel. Ms. Melick states that Mr. Marino has owned the motel for one year and has done numerous updates and improvements to the property. She explains that as a manager for the motel, she does not and will not tolerate any excessive noise. She advises that Mr. Marino is an asset to the motel as well as the town and encourages everyone to please come and check out the motel, stop by for a coffee and see what a nice place it is. Ms. Melick concludes by confirming that all the rooms are spotless and that the chambermaid is fantastic.
At this time, Ms. LaBelle suggests that there are some issues that need to be addressed and that the board members should go to the sight before any decision is made.Ms. LaBelle states that Mr. Marino needs to have the chance to have a sign. Mr. Oransky requests that the applicant gets a stamped plot plan, professionally done, prior to the continuance of the hearing. Board Members unanimously agree to continue the hearing until November 18th, at which time the applicant can present his detailed plot plan and board members can be better informed.
Public Participation:
Ms. Ann Bruzzi; Berkshire Engineering, approaches board members and explains that she has a 30 year application for a dock permit and that it requires board member signatures. Ann states that the dock is on Center Pond and that the client is requesting the 30 year dock permit so that it will run with the property for the full 30 years. Ann confirms that the Conservation Commission has approved the application and that the Building Inspector has agreed to allow it. Ann explains that the planning board acknowledges receipt of the package, the state gets it , then they send it to the selectmen. Planning Board members present sign that they have received the packet.
New Business:
Town Clerk- Notification of the Conflict of Interest Law- New training requirements.
Training program explained, read and reviewed. Board members signed receipt of having received material.
Budget- Read and Reviewed
Correspondence- Read and Reviewed
Mr. Oransky makes a motion to adjourn meeting; Mr. Schlanger seconds motion; Unanimous Approval.
Meeting adjourns at 8:25 pm
Next Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, November 18th , 2009 .
Respectfully submitted,
Heather Hunt
Administrative Assistant
Signed_____________________________ Date________________
Gale LaBelle
Signed______________________________ Date________________
Ann Krawet
Signed______________________________ Date________________
Marty Schlanger
Signed______________________________ Date________________
Barbara Stuhlman
Signed______________________________ Date________________
Stanley Oransky